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About the DataHub

This DataHub provides a platform to collect and disseminate data collections that support published scientific work, including all data sets, analysis tools, and protocols. Documenting, storing, and sharing scientific data sets are integral parts of the scientific process. The DataHub provides a way for the research community to validate the results of researchers' publications by providing access to the underlying data sets, accompanying tools and documentation.

DataHub Features

Research Data Discoverability

Metadata is used to describe the underlying datasets and tools so that all research data, whether raw and unstructured or processed and complete, is discoverable through the web portal.

Knowledge Continuity

Research groups experience a constant flux of incoming and outgoing researchers. Having a platform that preserves acquired knowledge and facilitates ease of its transference, ensures the continuity of knowledge within research groups.

Long-term Data Preservation

All digital assets produced from a research project are archived on cost-effective storage appliances operated and managed by the University of Chicago’s Research Computing Center.

Research Reproducibility

By providing access to the underlying data sets, tools and documentation of a published scientific work, the scientific community can readily reproduce and validate published results.

Boosting Productivity

Reproduction of efforts in a research lab are minimized by having a platform to collect, organize and disseminate digital content, which serves to increase the productivity of a research lab and accelerate scientific discovery.

Open Science

All data, tools and documentation underpinning published research work is made freely accessible to the public online.






Data (GigaBytes)

